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Chateau de Chantilly Castle Near Paris France

Chateau de Chantilly Castle Near Paris France - france, chateau de chantilly castle near paris
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The Chateau de Chantilly is a beautiful castle situated at the heart of a vast domain, which covers an area of approximately 7,800 hectares and is located in one of the largest forests near Paris and has a park of around 155 hectares in size.

The Chateau de Chantilly and the whole estate has been built up by the different owners since the Middle Ages from the late 1300's to virtually the end of the 1800's and was always passed on by inheritance to different branches of the same family and was never sold. Unfortunately when the Duc d'Aumale inherited Chantilly he had no heirs to pass it on to as he had already lost his sons, so in his will it was left to the Institut de France.

Because of this unfortunate situation, the Chateau Chantilly, the Conde Museum that it houses, along with the Grandes Ecuries, which is home to the La Musée Vivant du Cheval and the Parks and Gardens are now a place that we can all visit and enjoy.

You will no doubt find that the History of Chantilly castle is rather fascinating, but what you probably didn't realise, is that this chateau is also home to one of the finest museums of historical paintings in France and is second only to The Louvre in Paris. In fact, it is the only museum in France not including The Louvre that has 3 Raphael paintings.

There are around 1,000 paintings, 2,500 drawings and 2,500 engravings, that are on display at this magnificent castle which is situated under an hour away from Paris. But the Chateau Chantilly and the Conde Museum also has a library that is full or rare books and precious manuscripts and there are around 30,000 books and about 1,500 manuscripts held here.

The Cabinet des Livres or Book Room was originally installed in the years 1876 and 1877 in the Petit Chateau and was designed to house the Duc d'Aumale's library and to be a place for both reading and working. The collection contained within this room is the most important collection of 19th century and 20th century French books in the country and one of the most famous and valuable manuscripts in the world is held here, called the Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry.

The French garden with its magnificent fountains and ponds was designed by Andre Le Notre, who also designed the gardens at the Chateau de Versailles and this is just one of the areas in the grounds that is pleasant to walk around and admire!

The Chateau's chapel is dedicated to Saint Louis, where you will be able to see a statue that dominates the exterior façade and was constructed in 1882 more or less on the same spot where the old chapel stood before the French Revolution.

You can also visit the Petits Appartements which were the private rooms of the Duc d'Aumale and these are accessed via the Escalier d'Honneur or Staircase of Honour and are situated on the ground floor of the Petit Chateau that look out over the large balcony which stands above the moat.

There is also a very important collection of photographs that date from the second half of the 19th century and it reflects the different steps in the history of photography, from the first pioneers to the first amateur photos that were taken by Robert d'Orléans, Duc de Chartres, from which industrial photography was derived.

The Chateau de Chantilly is a fascinating place that is often overlooked by places like the Chateau de Versailles, yet it will keep all the family enthralled and is a place that you should not miss going to see.

You can also book parties at the Chateau de Chantilly and with a large collection of historical paintings and one of the finest collections of illuminated manuscripts and precious books, the Condé Museum of the Chateau de Chantilly is a prestigious place to entertain and gala dinners can be held for up to 350 people.

The Chateau de Chantilly also has a very large park including the French-style garden with fountains and ponds that was designed by Andre Le Nôtre, also within these gardens you can find temporary facilities that are set up in the Park according to requirements.

The Maison de Sylvie is also a great place for seminars and marriages and lovely 17th century building in memory to the Duchesse de Montmorency seats up to 150 guests for meals and around 250 people for cocktails.
nadxxm Uploaded by nadxxm on . Chateau de Chantilly Castle Near Paris France - Desktop Nexus Architecture Download free wallpapers and background images: Chateau de Chantilly Castle Near Paris France. Desktop Nexus Architecture background ID 82587. The Chateau de Chantilly is a beautiful castle situated at the heart of a vast domain, which covers an area of approximately 7,800 hectares and is located in one of the largest forests near Paris and has a park of around 155 hectares in size.

The Chateau de Chantilly and the whole estate has been built up by the different owners since the Middle Ages from the late 1300's to virtually the end of the 1800's and was always passed on by inheritance to different branches of the same family and was never sold. Unfortunately when the Duc d'Aumale inherited Chantilly he had no heirs to pass it on to as he had already lost his sons, so in his will it was left to the Institut de France.

Because of this unfortunate situation, the Chateau Chantilly, the Conde Museum that it houses, along with the Grandes Ecuries, which is home to the La Musée Vivant du Cheval and the Parks and Gardens are now a place that we can all visit and enjoy.

You will no doubt find that the History of Chantilly castle is rather fascinating, but what you probably didn't realise, is that this chateau is also home to one of the finest museums of historical paintings in France and is second only to The Louvre in Paris. In fact, it is the only museum in France not including The Louvre that has 3 Raphael paintings.

There are around 1,000 paintings, 2,500 drawings and 2,500 engravings, that are on display at this magnificent castle which is situated under an hour away from Paris. But the Chateau Chantilly and the Conde Museum also has a library that is full or rare books and precious manuscripts and there are around 30,000 books and about 1,500 manuscripts held here.

The Cabinet des Livres or Book Room was originally installed in the years 1876 and 1877 in the Petit Chateau and was designed to house the Duc d'Aumale's library and to be a place for both reading and working. The collection contained within this room is the most important collection of 19th century and 20th century French books in the country and one of the most famous and valuable manuscripts in the world is held here, called the Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry.

The French garden with its magnificent fountains and ponds was designed by Andre Le Notre, who also designed the gardens at the Chateau de Versailles and this is just one of the areas in the grounds that is pleasant to walk around and admire!

The Chateau's chapel is dedicated to Saint Louis, where you will be able to see a statue that dominates the exterior façade and was constructed in 1882 more or less on the same spot where the old chapel stood before the French Revolution.

You can also visit the Petits Appartements which were the private rooms of the Duc d'Aumale and these are accessed via the Escalier d'Honneur or Staircase of Honour and are situated on the ground floor of the Petit Chateau that look out over the large balcony which stands above the moat.

There is also a very important collection of photographs that date from the second half of the 19th century and it reflects the different steps in the history of photography, from the first pioneers to the first amateur photos that were taken by Robert d'Orléans, Duc de Chartres, from which industrial photography was derived.

The Chateau de Chantilly is a fascinating place that is often overlooked by places like the Chateau de Versailles, yet it will keep all the family enthralled and is a place that you should not miss going to see.

You can also book parties at the Chateau de Chantilly and with a large collection of historical paintings and one of the finest collections of illuminated manuscripts and precious books, the Condé Museum of the Chateau de Chantilly is a prestigious place to entertain and gala dinners can be held for up to 350 people.

The Chateau de Chantilly also has a very large park including the French-style garden with fountains and ponds that was designed by Andre Le Nôtre, also within these gardens you can find temporary facilities that are set up in the Park according to requirements.

The Maison de Sylvie is also a great place for seminars and marriages and lovely 17th century building in memory to the Duchesse de Montmorency seats up to 150 guests for meals and around 250 people for cocktails.
Rating: 5.0

Wallpaper Comments (1)

Posted by tinokjean on 06/03/10 at 09:41 AM
ma ville natale , belle photo
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Total Downloads: 4,096
Times Favorited: 32
Uploaded By: nadxxm
Date Uploaded: May 03, 2009
Filename: Chantilly-France-01.jpg
Original Resolution: 1280x960
File Size: 112.34KB
Category: Ancient

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